Many of the flying boats attacked in Roebuck Bay on 3 March 1942 were carrying Dutch refugees who had fled Java (then Dutch East Indies) ahead of the Japanese invasion. The aircraft were being refueled in Broome before flying on to southern towns and cities.
It is not known how many refugees were in the flying boats which had left Java in haste, but many were women and children.
This toy, corroded by sea water, was collected from the wrecks after the raid.
This short film clip highlights the experience of Piet Koens, who was a young child at the time of the raid.
Click here for transcript of video
After the raid, it was fished from Roebuck Bay and returned to her, wet but undamaged.
She continued to use the passport for many years.
Dutch refugees were buried in this cemetery near Town Beach.
In 1950, the bodies were exhumed and moved to the Karrakatta war cemetery in Perth or repatriated to Indonesia.